KOKO's Love: About Yuki, 2014, Four-channel mixed media video installation, 16’ x 16’ x 14’ tall

Within this four-channel video installation, as part of a group show titled Biomythography: Secret Poetry and Hidden Angers, only one channel served as the actual television and played KOKO’s Love: About Yuki, edited down from the original KOKO’s Love: Episode 1 duration of 11:14 to 04:15 to focus on the daughter Yuki’s character. The video Camping in the Woods played on a monitor above Yuki’s bed acting as a window while I heart Sophie played on a digital picture frame on a bookshelf. Another video, I thought your dad was dead., acted as a mirror on a vanity. All are part of Yuki’s physical and mental world and room. These three videos have been compiled into one video as Yuki's Trilogy: 3 Shorts.

Yuki is the socially oppressed daughter of Hiroshi, the owner of KOKO’s Liquor in the soap opera KOKO’s Love: Episode 1, and with this installation and series of short character video vignettes, I introduce the audience into her personal and emotional world.