KOKO's Love: You're Married.... Now What?, 2015, Single-channel video installation, approx. 10' x 10' x 10' tall

More recently, the videos and installations related to KOKO’s Love focus on the different characters to tell a more in depth story of their past lives. You’re Married.... Now What? goes back in time to the 1960's to introduce the beginnings of the relationship between the liquor store owner Hiroshi and his wife Keiko via the form of a television talk show/game show for newlyweds.

The installation is the video set of the show You're Married.... Now What? with a 100'' screen that viewers can watch the show from, as they sit in the actual chairs that the characters use.

KOKO’s Love is multifaceted and manifests itself in different forms, such as a single-channel video, a video installation/sculpture, and painting. Using tropes from East-Asian soap operas, I have created my version of an East-Asian/Asian-American hybrid soap in KOKO's Love: Episode 1, about a Japanese-American family, whose patriarch is a liquor store owner in South Central Los Angeles that annoyingly insists on the importance of having a male inherit the family business and not a female, his only child, a daughter. It explores the intersectionality of expectations and perceptions of gender roles of women and men, exposing the absurdity of the male hegemonic structure in the contemporary Asian-American family.